01 May 2023


Today is May 1.

Or "Fuck Communism and Everyone Who Thinks It's A Good Idea" Day.

Being the age I am and with the experiences I have, I've seen what Communism does first hand and it's a shitty way to run things for 99.9% of the people who are afflicted with it.

By the way, 99.9% of the people who did the work to bring this affliction to fruition on their nations do not, in any way, benefit from it either.

Just ask Leon Trotsky.


  1. Totally in agreement with you on this.

    Also known as "Murder Count in the 100 Millions due to Communism/Socialism Day."

    And yet people still listen to the siren song of stupidity and believe this bullscat.

    Communism has been killing people on this continent since the Puritans first landed. Look it up. I'm a descendant of several of the lucky survivors who said "F.. this communist bullscat, Capitalism here I come!"

    Sadly I see this once-great country sliding down the Socialism/Communism scale. We're National Socialists now, at least the federal government is.

  2. you mean standing in daily food lines and having the state tell you what job you go to everyday and waiting 10-20 years to get a car that would make a yugo seem like a Mercedes isn't fun?...panzer guy

  3. Karl Marx did far more damage to civilization than Adolf Hitler ever did, but to this day, his views are revered.

    1. Yeah, why was Stalin the hero and Hitler the jerk? Stalin killed more people, trained the Nazis, supplied the Nazis, was in on waging war with the Nazis, imprisoned US airmen like the Nazis, killed Jews right along with the Nazis and was at least as much a threat as the Nazis seeing as how Stalin owned FDR's State Department.

      But FDR never met an international socialist leader he didn't positively love. Like how FDR loved Mao far more than Chiang Kai-Shek.

  4. It's no coincidence that the most common use of Mayday today, in air or sea disasters, comes from the French word for "Help me!" - m'aidez! Once the useful idiots get communism they scream that a lot. Until they're silenced against the wall.


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