22 May 2023

Might Be Interesting

The Democrats are siccing the NAACP on DeSantis.

My governor really scares the shit out of them, don't he?

I think we might just be finding out the real meaning of minority if the nation decides to ignore Klan with a Tan here.


  1. i'm writing in my dog for 2024...panzer guy

    1. I used to write in my friend, Bill Gerber, but then he died and I can't make myself write in a Democrat; which what all the dead are registered as.

  2. Long live the Gerb! May he party hard in Valhalla. -swj

  3. I like DeSantis. I was never a fan of Trump (although I thank him for sparing us SHrillary and I'd take him back in a second compared to Biden). Anyway, it probably won't matter by the time I get to vote in the Primaries but that vote was today, mine would be for DeSantis.


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