24 May 2019

Ain't Dead Yet

Drove my ass the entire hour drive down to CW Bill Young VA Medical Center (formerly Bay Pines) to talk to the gastroenterologist.

The gastro intends to enter my ass with a camera and wanted to talk about it.

We went over my blood work.

I remain suspiciously healthy for someone of my lifestyle.  Most indicators are a bit high, but not outside the desired ranges.  Kidney and liver are happy organs.

Just gotta shove a camera up my kiester and look for polyps.

I've made a date to set a date for that because I need a responsible adult to take time off to drive me there.

The appointment confirmation for my range of motion study consult arrived today.

Another hour drive down to Bill Young to be forcibly manipulated to see if they will confirm I'm worthy of more than a mere 10% skeletal from my service connected.

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