01 May 2019

This Is Like Bombing Afganistan Back To The Stone Age

How the fuck would you be able to tell if there was a collapse from current conditions?


  1. That's like the pot calling the kettle black... Russia has been meddling in Venezuela just as much as the US has... Just on the opposite side. But neither country has been as much as Cuba of course.

  2. Most might think it'll be an upgrade.

  3. In terms of resources for exploitation, Venezuela is miles ahead of Cuba. Don't be shocked when Russia and and Iran build more infrastructure and post their personnel permanently in Venezuela (some of this is already happening).

    The time is now to do a "Panama" intervention, get in, kick out the Russkies and Iranians, arm the faction supporting the new president and get out. No nation building beyond assisting PEDEVESA to get their equipment working (and re-hire those who know how to run it).

    There is no reason it cannot be a joint Marine operation with forces from Brazil and Colombia participating.


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