14 May 2019

Prove It

I foolishly clicked on an "article" from Cracked (no link on purpose) about how evil the NRA is.

One of their points "refutes" that a good guy with a gun stops mass shootings.

This should be an easy thing to prove.

Just give us a list of mass shootings that kept going once the shooter was actively opposed by gunfire.

I don't think I'll hold my breath.


  1. Well, you see, the popular definition of a mass shooting is an event with 4 or more casualties. So if good guy with a gun steps in when bad guy with a gun has shot 3 or fewer people and discourages him from shooting any more, we don't really know if he was going to shoot any more people, so we can't know if a mass shooting was stopped. On the other hand, if bad guy with a gun has already shot 4 or more people when good guy with a gun intervenes, a mass shooting has already occurred. By definition, it's impossible to stop a mass shooting.

    1. Even accepting 4 or more casualties; I can't think of any where once return fire started the killer kept going except for Pulse. I am waiting to see how many people were hit with police bullets in that one.


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