18 May 2019

Duration Conundrum

GURPS: Magic says;
Permanent spells create a magical effect that lasts indefinitely. Zombie is a good example: the magic force that animates the body persists until the body has been physically destroyed. A permanent spell, unlike temporary and lasting spells, does not end in a no-mana zone, but it is suspended until the subject leaves the zone. At that point the spell resumes.
The duration of most healing spells is permanent.

Reading this strictly, that means that any healing done to you is undone when you enter a no-mana zone and it comes back when you leave it.

There's no time limit on this.

If you take a total of 11 times your HP in damage you're are so dead you cannot be resurrected.

Is the amount of damage healed cumulative and if your lifetime total of healing exceeds 11x HP, do you permanently drop dead if you make the mistake of crossing into a no-mana zone?

Or do you "heal" naturally at the normal rate and the amount of you being held together by magic slowly shrinks?

In a world with magic, they'd know the answer to this question.

Assuming you do heal up and naturally healed points replace magically healed...

Do you still heal past the 6x HP auto-death point?  Do you become a kind of undead at this point, kept alive only by magic?  Does the 11x HP accumulation of magically restored HP mean you cannot be returned to life?

Again, a world with magic KNOWS the answers to these questions and so would anyone who'd been born to the world.


  1. I've seen this addressed in other systems. Maybe Rolemaster? You have a "natural healing rate" ex. 1 HP/Day and it displaces the healed point. No magic zone right after a big fight was a way for the DM to take out the trash he didn't manage the first time.

  2. Kind of like how scurvy causes all your old wounds to start coming open again, it's probably a slow onset process. Stepping into low magic doesn't cause you to just fall apart at the seams, you start getting fast onset magic scurvy. Again, depending on setting, is one of those things people will know, unless no-mana zones are very rare or unknown.


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