05 May 2019

How Matters As Much As What

I've been reading several treatises on how opposing the ban on bump stocks is foolish and indefensible terrain.

That it is a setback, but it was a lost cause and our resources are better spent someplace else.

I think I would tend to agree except for how the national ban was imposed.

The president ordered ATF to reclassify bump stocks as machine guns despite more than one empirical test by the previous, and gun hostile, administration to the contrary.

To be sanguine about it is foolish.  Assaults on our rights run on precedent.

To advocate not fighting this means you're OK with the next president declaring detachable magazines are machine guns.

Yes you are.

You are correct, the what (bumpstocks getting banned) isn't so bad.

It's how they were banned that's horrifying.

As mad as I am about Florida Carry not seeming to do anything about gun control in Florida, I am happy my contributions are going towards fighting this in court despite it having no effect on Florida because bumpstocks are banned by law using Feinstein's verbiage.


  1. Well put. I couldn't articulate why the bumpstock ban stuck in my craw so much, despite them being a stupid range toy and having no use for them. This is why it bothers me. Thanks for articulating what I was having trouble with.

  2. It's the convoluted, ex post facto "how" that classified them as contraband that has always been the problem not the frivolous "what" that a bumpstock is.

    If this is left unchecked, then nothing means anything and they can do whatever they want.

    All shotguns are destructive devices, all semi-autos are machine guns and all handguns are SBRs or AOWs.

    Now everything is an NFA item, enjoy your 5-10 year wait for your stamp.

  3. Yeah, I'm with you 100%. Bumpstocks were banned by Executive Fiat. It flies in the face of black letter law (in the form of BATFE decisions), and contradicts what BATFE said about bumpstocks before.

    It's a bad precedent. I'm trying to think of an exception, but nothing done by executive fiat is good. Maybe naming a Post Office by fiat is OK.

  4. It may turn out the the (flawed) process is actually a gift.

    If the courts decide that the change to the law can't be done that way, and overturn it, that removes one avenue for implementation of other gun-bans.


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