11 May 2019

Know Your Wizards

Gandalf the Gray:  Gray robes.  Elm staff.  Pointed hat.  Unruly beard.

Angus The Evil Magic User:  Impeccably tailored, finest silk embroidered robes.  Rakishly groomed van-dyke.  Flaming ebony staff.  Colt Dragoon.

Grand Vizier Jafar:  Impeccably tailored, finest silk clothing and cape.  Turban with powerstone.  Understated van-dyke.  Snake staff.

Albus Dumbledore:  Light blue robes.  Sambucus wand.  Pill-box hat.  Well kept beard.


  1. So, have you ever gone to another collector's house and switched pieces-parts around just to see how long it takes said collector to lose his/her collective shite over it?

    Just asking... in case...

    1. That'd be like using Lepin or Mega-Bloc!


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