28 October 2019

Actually It's Your Fault

While you're smugly blaming people protesting for their rights in a manner you disapprove of for a bill being submitted to Congress...

I want you to look hard at the idea that if you'd actually supported liberty rather then grant succor to our opponents...  Wait.  Did I say "our"?

Let me start over.

I want you to look hard at the idea that you don't support freedom or liberty at all.

The only people you've ever aligned yourself with are the same people whose goal is to ban everything, not just the open ownership of it.

If you'd aligned yourself with Freedom and supported open carry all along, perhaps a pervasive feeling of desperation wouldn't make people feel that open carrying AT someone is the only political voice they have left.

Just 'cause you don't understand what's going on
Don't mean it don't make no sense
And just 'cause you don't like it
Don't mean it ain't no good
--M Muir 

Desperation leads to people doing stupid, and sometimes counterproductive, things.

But they got desperate because they turned to you, supposed pro-gun and pro-freedom bloggers and pundits and got told that, "Oh, we're perfectly fine with most gun control as long as our narrow, and happy, little rut remains undisturbed."

You, and people like you, are the proximate cause of the protests you condemn so vociferously.

You abandoned them.  You betrayed them.

You made common cause with the enemies of freedom.

You can stop pretending to be an advocate of liberty, because you are not.

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