17 October 2019

It's Back Hurray I Guess

The owner of the shop informs me that I have a lifter that's bleeding down.


That could entail another trip down there and over $3k.

Dick, resin, ground glass, my ass.

Fuck me running.

There's a part of me that thinks a set of lifters and DIY might be a better crutch.

But I'm so sick of it being broken.

I'm so sick of not getting a moment to enjoy the last repair before the next thing breaks.


  1. You have went from a fuel/evaporative issue to a lifter problem, what did I miss? Your engine have a cold start tap or a constant tap? Is the other problem fixed? I know you don't want to do lifters but it's easier than that clutch. Man, sometimes it never ends but it does. I'm sure you know the overall condition of Precious, she worth it? Looks like a very clean ride. Al

    1. It's the back to back to back breakages that are getting me down.

      It's a "hasn't been run for a week after only being driven 500 or so miles after not being strated for a month" cold start tapping. It tapped pretty good for Joe when he did the first test fire. It tapped for a few seconds when I came and picked it up. It has not resumed tapping from a stop to get gas, a 25 minute stop to get stuff from home and a stop at the parts store for oil.

      To my old fashioned mind this is a slow-bleed-down of a lifter and it could be cured with a decent oil flush next oil change. I had this sort of thing happen with my '76 Camaro and Harvey's '86 Dodge truck.

      The $3k plus quote... I think I will make that a post of its own.


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