15 October 2019

Bottomless Pit Of Agony And Despair

The Shitbox Precious is off to the shop.

I am getting ready to be fucked the old way... dipped in resin and rolled in ground glass... (100 points if you get that reference).


  1. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, been there. Does the shop have an evaporative smoke machine to prove the repair before reassembly? It would greatly suck if it still had a problem after repair. Seems your clutch replacement was satisfactory. Hang in,Al

    1. The operating theory is the jet line or in the cross-over is split or an o-ring got out of place in there. "Happens all the time," is what several people have told me now...

      The clutch is AWESOME! While that was tedious, it was straight forward and you could see every part that mattered.

      This fuel system that needs to be done by feel and be completely installed to test with several fragile choke points...

      If I ever see the engineer who was booking for a design award for this drowning I will certainly write the coast guard.


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