23 October 2019


For the first time in two months, The Precious is bathed and waxed.

When it's not running, keeping it pretty kinda falls by the wayside.

I really REALLY need to hit the interior too.

It's not that hot out tonight, but it's that perfect level of humidity where your sweat doesn't help cool you off at all.

Unrelated to The Precious, my soccer bowling-dad car, Moxie, has gotten an oil change.

I'm not sure how I feel about the cartridge style filters on top of the engine that both Equinox' have, but I am starting to warm to them.

Whomever was doing the oil changes for my mother in law before she sold Moxie to us hadn't changed the o-ring on the filter cap and torqued it down WAY too far.  This kind of quality work is what keeps me wrenching rather than paying.

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