07 October 2019

Skirting WTF Japan Territory

I've been watching, and enjoying, an anime called Cells at Work, it's really strange.

It's also amazingly accurate with regards to science and biology if you accept the conceit that each individual cell is a person.


  1. Where do you watch that? We cut the cable a while back, and have a handful of streaming options, but I’d have no idea where to look for that.

    1. https://www.crunchyroll.com/cells-at-work

    2. Your description reminds me of Osmosis Jones, but with more scientific accuracy and less William Shatner.

      (Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of William Shatner's body of work. However, the Venn Diagram of his work in speculative fiction and scientific accuracy is rather minuscule....)


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