26 October 2019

Just For Fun

The cowboy and Indian guns are a pure delight.

This is not to say they are purely delightful guns in function and design.  They're brutally obsolete.

But they're still enjoyable.

They're fun!

I read so many places in the gunblogosphere where everything is dour need and reduced to efficient functionality that I think many of the writers have forgotten that "new shooter smile" they once wore and fallen prey to thinking that a firearm must have a useful purpose to justify ownership.

I tend to agree, if that's your only firearm.

Don't get so wrapped up in this that you forget to enjoy yourself.

Honestly, nobody is paying most of us to go shooting, so it'd better be fun or you'll stop doing it regular.

My collecting of web gear and LBE to put with guns from the same period is a dual bit of fun.  I like playing with cameras and doing, shallow, research into the equipment.

Aside: Have you noticed how expensive helmets of all damn things have gotten to be when trying to get a good issue equipment pic together?  M1 steel pots used to cost less than a candy bar.  Look at them now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angus;

    Yeah I know...M1 pattern helmets were so cheap, people were using them as "flowerpots". I have 3 of them in my collection and I am not sure that I could replace them if I had to. And as far as shooting the old guns, I am fine with the latest and greatest, but there is something about an old wheel gun or a rifle made in the middle of the last century.


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