01 March 2020

Et Tu Haynes

Because we have two 2nd Gen Equinoxes in the family, I bought the 2005 - 2012 Equinox book by Haynes.

I'm getting code P0010.

That's the intake VVT solenoid most likely.

According to Haynes, there is no VVT on the 2.4 in the Equinox.

But there sure as heck is on an Ecotec 2.4 LAF code engine.

I wondered if, perhaps, the 2.4 from 2005 to 2009 was a different engine, but there doesn't appear to be a 4-banger of any size in the 1st Gen.

Damn book is just plain wrong.



  1. Usually that means it needs to be cleaned--carbon clogs the air passage orifice.

    1. Um... There's no air passage in these things. It's all oil.


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