29 June 2020


If it's racist for me to do something, then it's racist for you to do the same thing with the colors reversed.

If you can say a racial slur without causing harm because of the context of using the word, then context matters and needs to be considered before leveling a charge of racism against someone.

If a white person can't play a person of color, then a person of color cannot play a white person.

If a black person can call his buddy a [CENSORED] because of the context of being black means it's not a racial slur; then I should be able to quote him and use [CENSORED] in the context of being a quote.

We've got to drag back the lines of offense to "what is meant" rather than "how it was taken."


Because there's such a thing as an innocent mistake.

Because there's such a thing as being ignorant of an offense.

I have an example:  Great-Gramma Mikiko, born in Japan, learned that the word for black person was [CENSORED]!  She was not bigoted against black people.  She was not a racist, but she casually used [CENSORED] as a descriptive term.

We great-grand-children were fucking horrified at her casual use of the word and kept correcting her every time she used it.  It didn't take too many tries before she got it and started using non-offensive language.

Literally an innocent mistake on her part.

But what if we'd adopted a shun and isolate response to her mistake instead of an educative one?

What if we decided that how the language was received defined how it was meant to be transmitted?

Welcome to Canceltown.

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