06 June 2020

Sergeant William Harvey Carney

Sergeant Carney earned the Medal of Honor for his bravery at the Battle of Fort Wagner.

The film, Glory, would have you believe that everyone from the 54th Mass. Volunteer Infantry was killed that day.

Sergeant Carney lived until 1908, dying at the age of 68.

I've not one thing negative to say about a man who escaped slavery, volunteered to fight to end it and then earned the Medal of Honor.

I am proud of him.

I am honored to be tangentially associated with him thanks to my own meager, volunteer, service in the Army.

I also notice that, like many others who've earned this award, he felt he was only doing his duty; as anyone would have.

If you ask the recipients, there's not a single one who deserves a Medal of Honor.

I do not hesitate to say they are, to a man, wrong.

Above and beyond the call they were.


  1. George Floyd rioters deface 16 Boston statues, including memorial honoring black Civil War regiment.
    The Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial, a sculpture dedicated to black soldiers who fought in the Civil War, was damaged after thousands of protesters descended on Boston Common to protest police brutality against black people.

    1. Just two posts further down, I have a picture of the damage...

    2. The rioters also defaced a Ghandi statue. So which Confederate Regiment was he in charge of?


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