02 June 2020



I am not going dark for a week to "let black voices be heard".

They can shout into the void along with everyone else.

Especially not over the likes of one George Floyd.

Several places have detailed his criminal history.

He was destined for a bad end, and got it.

I object to how he met his destiny and, with the information available to me at present, condemn the actions of the cop kneeling on him and the other officers for not checking on the welfare of their prisoner.

I voiced my objections.

But going dark to... what now?

Yield the floor to those who've already said enough by rioting?

What can they say?

Is there really something they can say, if I stay silent, that will mitigate or justify the wanton destruction of people's property and livelihood?

I don't think there is.

So I shall not silence myself to let them try.

They can speak in court to a jury and have all the attention they deserve.

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