16 June 2020

It's Not Going To Be A Good Week

I've periodic bouts of depression.

I've had them long enough to know when a good one is coming on and I'm on the cusp.

It's never anything substantial that triggers it.  Usually some small social interaction or miscue.

It will prolly affect the flow of ice-cream.  Or is that floe of ice-cream?


  1. Yeah, those precursors of depression suck. It's like you know it's coming, and there's nothing you can do to derail it. Like being in a slow car accident on ice. Just.. here comes the suck.

    Social missteps do suck. I've found that after getting blasted at one blog in the comments, I'll retreat and not read that blog for a while, then enter again and if I get blasted I stop going. Filthie's is about the only place besides Knuckledraggin that I don't feel like running away from.

    Hang in there. The news has been rather depressing and full of stupid lately, along with all the latest court decisions, the rioting and all the other garbage going around. You see the truth clearly, and you see exactly what is going on. You, sir, are a Cassandra, doomed in some ways to speak the truths surrounded by people actively avoiding the truth.

    Hang in there. It gets better.

    As to floes of ice cream, they really muck up the pool filter...


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