04 June 2020

Sabers and... Snippet 6

"It's old-magic, Sir." the regimental mage explained.

Colonel Waller sighed, knowing with certainty that two things were coming; an explanation of what the mage meant and a headache from knowing the explanation wouldn't be very useful to him.

"See this piece of amber in the center and the elaborately braided leather holding it?"

"It's a genuine talisman!"

"Why are we excited about this, Major?" Waller asked.

"As everyone knows, civilized magic stopped using old-magic centuries ago.  Not even the Ancient Greeks or Egyptians still used it."

"It's just too wasteful.  It requires very specific materials and methods to make even the simplest spells work, often completely consuming the materials used.  Silver, in particular, is consumed in the making of these talismans.  This also means that Major Dawes is correct, those pits were mines."

"Old-magic cannot affect gold.  This is also why I suspect that the Goo-Goos, uh..."

"It's alright Major, we understand."

"...Um, yes.  Excuse me.  This is also why I suspect that they don't enter the area surrounding the Black Hills on the other side.  Anywhere there's a great deal of gold, their magic will not work."

"That's fine, Major, but you were explaining this talisman."

"Yes, sir.  It's a primitive version of a missile shield."

"That's a damn irritating spell, Major.  It forced a lot of engagements into hand-to-hand fights when we were fighting the Rebs."

"Yes, sir, I agree sir.  But this is both more powerful and less useful."

"The effect it has is any projectile projected at the wearer is turned into water."

"That's bothersome..."

"True, sir, but it also takes about half a second to work.  Ideal against the weapons they're accustomed to, such as slings and spears.  Useful, but not ideal against a bow at shorter ranges.  Nearly useless against a Krag at the ranges they typically can be seen to be fired at.  A 'bonus' here is the difference in density betwixt lead and water.  The expansion is nearly explosive and at 300 to 400 yards, it could have a deleterious effect on them."

Colonel Waller's headache never formed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, boy. You were one of those that calculated how far a fireball (30' diameter) would expand in a 10' tunnel, weren't you?


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