03 December 2022


Bearing Arms mentions that several mass shooters had been subject to harassment or bullying.

They don't excuse their behavior in any way, they don't let being bullied be the justification.

Neither do I.

Bullied?  Harassed?

Bitches, please.

I was bullied and harassed from my freshman through junior years of high school.

I had access to weapons.

I engaged in fisticuffs a couple of times in reply to fisticuffs and that ended the bullying.

There's nothing so awkward than sitting in detention with bully you'd just fought.

There's nothing so rewarding as sitting there in detention with him giving you the stink-eye and asking, "you wanna go again?" and having them find something else to stare at.

I've managed to put my bullied years behind me and, despite, having far more guns than everyone I know save one...  I'm not out there murdering anyone.

The problem isn't me.

The problem isn't people getting bullied.

Being bullied might be a factor to keep an eye on, but it would be stupid and unjust to treat the victims of bullying as if they were sure to be the next mass murderer and truncate their rights somehow.

There are other indications which a bullied person will present which are more reliable.  We should watch for that.  I know we record them, because we've seen them in hindsight with a few of these shooters.


  1. we live in a world where we blame objects and not the person... the narrative is never about personal responsibility, it's the guns fault, the company that made the gun, the right, Christians, anti this/that... never the shooter... panzer guy

  2. *claps* 100% agreed. Same here, btw. Bullied in Jr High and high school. Tried walking away and taking the high ground (which only encouraged more bullying). Finally stopped walking away, stood my ground, and responded in kind. Funny how that worked. And I didn't become a mass shooter of a screw up in life. -JKing

  3. When I was in school bullying was not really taken seriously by teachers and the school administration to the point where in some cases it almost seemed to be encouraged. Buillies were often sort of "teacher's pets" and they were given a fair amount of leeway because they kept most of the other kids scared and seeking of protection and approval by teachers. There were also the issues that many of the bullies were the "popular" kids... rich kids, jocks, preppies, etc., which were the kids that the teachers liked. And most of the victims of bullies were the kids teachers hate... poor kids, the socially awkward, the quiet intellectual types.

    I know several people who have far more guns than I have... and none of them have turned into mass murderers. I think that in general if you look at people who do, they usually do not come from groups or families who are traditional "gun culture" people. Most of them probably didn't grow up in houses where a bunch of guns were owned. Most of the narrative from the left about people who own guns and trying to hold them responsible or paint them as part of mass shooters is obviousl projection and BS.


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