21 May 2023

All Without Any Federal Restrictions

The Bath School Massacre killed 44 people, mostly children, and injured 58 more, also mostly children.

In 1927.

Wikipedia mentions he'd bought a gun, but it doesn't appear he shot anyone.

However, with no Federal gun laws to deal with he could have used a machine gun he'd ordered by mail to murder all those people.

The term "assault weapon" had not even been coined.

But he used bombs.

Even though it was never easier in American history to get a gun that'd have worked.

He.  Used.  Bombs.

I know the above is disjointed and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

That's because I'm trying to use the anti-gunner template to make the post and that always gets incoherent.


  1. The thing that the anti-gunners don't get is that crazy will always find a way. The UK with virtually entire bans on firearms has seen increases in firearms related crimes... But they've seen even bigger increases in crimes committed with knives. With bans... on f'ing knives??? With broken pint glasses (talks about banning those). With blunt force tools. Gonna need a permit to own a hammer or a bat. And attacks with things like acid.. You just can't ever stop crazy. You can control crazy by going after crazy. Putting crazy in jail or institutions. Guess what the libtards don't want to do???

  2. Aw damn... that was by swj...


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