26 May 2023

Cool! Now Do Disney!

Target and Bud Light have lost enough money to be considered a small payment to Ukraine.


  1. I am basking in schadenfreude and regret that I cannot boycott these companies any harder since I never drink Budweiser, never buy anything Disney, and haven't been in Target in over two years.

  2. Iger is busy setting the Mauschwitz stock on fire in a terminally futile pissing contest with DeSantis.
    The best he can hope for is second place.

    That will get them losses the likes of which Target and Budweiser could only ever dream to aspire.

  3. target should have known better after the bathroom thing but obviously they either didn't learn a lesson or don't care what you think and to top it off they came out with tuck swim suits when the bud clusterf#$% wasn't even a month old...bud could have come out and said they were sorry but instead they doubled down on stupid and lied about it...companies are going to keep doing this, they don't care if you or I buy stuff from them...the only thing that matters to them is that dei score...they are more scared of the alphabet soup calling them out then they are of you and me...panzer guy


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