06 May 2023

Kill 'Em All

Being pedo can land your ass in Old Sparky.

DeSantis signed HB 1297 into law which imposes the death penalty on pedophiles who “commit sexual battery against children under the age of 12."

Democrats are expected to take legal action in an effort to overturn the laws, however.

This is my shocked face that Democrats would be opposed to pederasts being killed for being the subhuman scum that they are.

1 comment:

  1. I know too many people who are permanently damaged by sexual abuse during childhood. What's the difference between actually killing someone and making them a broken person for 60+ years? I mean, arguably the death penalty is easier than life without parole. And these victims are stuck with life without parole for crimes committed against them.

    Yes, many go on and lead decent lives, but the monsters always, ALWAYS, live in the backs of their heads and affect their interactions with everyone, even their loved ones.

    I've seen stuff come out of nowhere to mess up a 'normal' person, evil dreams and horrors that can be triggered by the most innocent of things. Colors. Yes, colors. Songs. TV shows. A certain type of house or even landscaping. Anything that can open the door to the dark side.

    Death is not good enough for MAPs as they like to call themselves, minor-attracted people. Painful death is what is needed. Publicly. After reading out a list of all their crimes.

    You can bet that if this happened, there'd be more percentages of teachers, politicians and certain park employees affected by the penalty than priests.


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