14 May 2023

The Holes Are Deep

You make GURPS stats for an M60, you end up making stats for the M48.

That leads to the M47, then the M46 then the M26...


Interestingly, there's still versions of the older Pattons in service!  Mostly armored recovery vehicles, but still.

Also interesting is the French putting a 105 into their M47s.

That L7 gun gets adopted by so many NATO nations, it's not even funny.


  1. Have you done the MBT-70? I know, never fielded, but since it's all about what could have been, what could have been if they (the US or Germany) actually fielded MBT-70s.

    If we're going after what-could-have-beens, what about the Super M60 that was proposed in 1987, with a new turret and Chobham armor. Or the M60-2000 proposed in 1999?

    Just curious as to what you think about these variants.

  2. I ran a Traveller campaign where we rotated gamemasters and once a retired scout used his scout ships shipboard pulse laser (for attacking starships) against a M48 with a 90mm attacking them.

    The argument if the 90mm could even damage a Scout ships hull (designed for dealing with space debris at high relative velocities) or if the armor of the scout turreted laser could damage that tank.

    GURPS answer please?


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