03 September 2024

10mm The Other Kind

I wrench.

That means that I'm missing a few 10mm sockets.

What's interesting is that I have not lost a 10mm socket since I moved to Florida.

I felt like I was single handedly keeping the Sears at North Grand Mall in Ames open with my constant replacing of a 1/4 drive 10mm 6-point.

I suspect it was the people I was wrenching with causing the loses and not simple misplacement.

I've dropped a 10mm or three down here and knew the moment it fell.

In Iowa, I noticed it was missing the next time I went to wrench.  That makes me think it was lifted from the box rather than fell into the engine bay.

Fucking thieves who claim to be buddies.  GRRRRRR


  1. You can't blame me for that, in those days I pretty much didn't have anything that used Metric. For me back then the most used socket was generally 9/16.

    I've always wondered as many people who lose 10mm sockets why they don't package them in 10 packs.

    1. They *DO* sell them in 10 packs!

      When we were wrenching together, we were wrenching in SAE.

  2. Sometimes the socket just falls through an interdimensional hole and ends up on the dark side of the moon. Along with one missing sock. Except the sock is reincarnated as a leftover in the back of the refrigerator.

  3. Harbor Freight gets the joke, they sell a set containing several different 10mm sockets. It makes a good gag gift. I haven't lost any permanently but I've become very good at magnet fishing inside car doors


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