22 September 2024

Falling Down

I agree with the Graybeard.

It's still fucking Summer here on the Gulf Coast.

Though, once the sun goes down we can tolerate sitting on the back porch under the ceiling fan.  I cannot say we could do that in July.

Maybe once the stalking turtle in The Gulf gets done next week we'll see a real cold front and some cooler temps.


  1. i think we hit a 100, def over 100 with heat index on fri, 98 and over a 100 with heat index sat, 95 today and finally some 80's this week...was a hot summer, not as bad as last year with 50+ days of 100+ in north tx...panzer guy...

  2. Our high temp here today according to my decidedly old school thermometer was 49F. currently we are sitting at 38F at 10 pm. We are however supposed to hit a bit over 70F tomorrow and 80's by mid week. Gotta love life at almost 7000 feet above sea level.



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