11 September 2024

For Tat

President McThag, around noon on 11Sep01 would have been talking to a boomer captain and targeting a couple reentry vehicles to 21°25′21.0″N 39°49′34.2″E.

Then I would direct The State Department to ORDER the Saudi ambassador's ass to my office.

Whereupon I would inform him that he and his family had exactly 72 hours to gather up everyone involved or I would begin using my expansive nuclear arsenal on Islam's holy sites until there weren't any.

I checked, the oil is far enough below the surface that it will not be affected by radiation from the blasts, especially air-bursts.

I'd then have taken to TV and informed the rest of the world that, no shit, you're with us or against us.

The least support I would accept is staying out of the way.

Since the experiment of letting these places run themselves has spectacularly failed, every nation involved in this bullshit, who doesn't immediately get VERY cooperative, gets to be a province of the USA and once enough time and education is applied, perhaps their great grand kids could earn second class citizenship.

Lots of places would hate this, but I'm OK with hate, so long as they fear.

But that's just me.

I'm a vindictive cuss.


  1. Used to be a slogan "Nuke em till they glow".

  2. President Counter Jockey would have spun up STRATCOM and plastered Tehran, Pyonyang and Baghdad too. And the pulverized the rubble as soon as the multi national do gooders arrived to render aid.

  3. Hell to the YES! Make Mecca a glass field that is radioactive for centuries.

    Unlike most ewsterners, I've actually read the Koran (and it is a HARD read, even compared to other religious texts). Frankly anyone who believes the "religoin of peace BS" obviously hasn't read it, or only read the first few chapters. It gets more and more hard core anti-Jew and take over the whole world and enforce a theocracy the further you get into it.

    The fact that so many libtards bend over for Islam shows you how stupid they are, because Islam will force them to convert or die just like everyone else if it ever takes over. Of course they don't see it, because they never see it when a totalitarian like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, etc., spouts a bunch of pseudo-Marxist BS and then imposes a military backed regime. They fall for it every time. Because they are idealistic useful idiots.

  4. That we didn't do anything like that proved that non-serious people were in charge, who then proceeded to use the same excuse to go all 1984 on their own citizenry, while opportunity knocked.

    The hangings of the culprits should be done in batches of 10-12, in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House, 24/7, until the debt they owe for all that - including wasting thousands of American lives and billion$ in national treasure - is paid back in full.


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