08 September 2024

Absolutely Green With Envy

Marv's garage/shed/workshop has air conditioning.

It makes doing things like sanding on headlights far more pleasant than doing it in the driveway.

If you have the means to climate control your work area, I highly recommend it.


  1. It's a metal building that I took the trouble to line with 1/2" foamboard insulation. It has one window AC unit in the overhead storage loft and two on the bottom. It's enough to make it colder than I usually keep the house at. I have a timer set on a smartplug to turn one AC on for an hour in the evening. That keeps the mold down.

  2. Even though in MI, our summers can broil and being near a lake, humid too, I put in a mini split in the barn a year ago, wow! What used to be a sweltering barn is a nice cool and dry 76 this entire summer - Note the barn is 24 X 32 and the little unit (340 bucks on sale) self installed after spending another 100 or so on the vacuum tools from PRC, cools it and an attached 10 X 12 office just fine - worth every penny. Not hard to do - start scrimping for one.

    1. Yep, metal barn here too but I got lucky and scored a trailer load of 2" pink foam board in 8 to 10 ft lengths plus white Styrofoam boards, all of which ended up on the walls and rafters, then lined walls on the inside with whatever 1/4 or 3/8 inch OSB or Plywood I could find cheap. The entire ceiling is lined with long 4 ft wide strips of metalized bubble pack about 3/8" thick stapled up then all seams aluminum taped. Amazing how big a difference that makes each season (we have 2 - summer and winter, spring and fall are too short to measure) ;-)


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