01 September 2024

I Don't Need To GET One

An anonymous commenter, remember we don't allow that here, suggested I get me a Glock 21 and convert it to 10mm.

The short answer is: I don't wanna.

If I'm going to have a 10mm gun, I want a complete one and not a pile of parts I need to swap back and forth.  It's the same reason I don't have a .22 conversion for the AR's or 1911's.

An additional wrinkle is my Glock is from the very first batch made.  Not sure of the parts compatibility with the, more common 3rd gen guns.


  1. Piles of parts often tend to turn into full guns... Sometimes more than one.

  2. sorry Angus, that was me...i never know when blogspot will take my post and i forgot to sign it...really all you need is the barrel...the other parts are just because...now i don't remember when glock made the 10mm so oif you have a first gen 21, might not be a good idea (if you wanted to try it)...panzer guy

    1. While a barrel might work, it's less than ideal with the .45 slide which was lightened considerably from the 10mm version.

      I'm wanting a whole gun, and the itch is strongest for a 1911 version.

  3. kind of always wanted one myself...just ammo is so expensive...thought about turning my 21 in to 460 rowland...but that ammo ain't cheap either...panzer guy


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