18 September 2024

6.8x51mm Special Purpose Is Expensive

$15.70 for the special purpose whiz-bang armor piercing round.

$2.73 for the more conventional ball round.


By way of comparison 5.56x45mm M866A1 is $0.47 a round.

Prices on 6.8x51mm is expected to get lower as economies of scale kick in.

I'd also like to point out that 113gr at 3,000 fps is NOT 2,700 ft-lb.  It's 2,261.


  1. Why didn't "they" just adopt the wonderful Swedish 6.5 x 55mm? Excellent ballistics, cheap manufacture. Or the 7 x 57 Mauser? And yes, I know the answer...$$$

    1. The whiz bang SP round is the only thing this has over .308. I suspect, the only reason they went with a completely different round was to keep the 80k pressure rounds out of existing weapons.


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