25 September 2024

Stalking Turtle

Our favorite local weather personality, Dennis Phillips, calls hurricanes "stalking turtles" because of how slow they come on.

Track is a bit West of last post, which is good for me in SW Pasco.

To show how large this thing is, though, the first rain band just whipped over us.

Helene is going to cover the entire Eastern Gulf and be messing with all of West coast Florida.

Rain predictions are fairly light for this system, which is excellent news because the storm surge is expected to be atrocious.  Going to be a lot of flooding in lower areas than me.  West of US19 is going to be hurting.

When I moved down here... 27 years ago almost to the day, West of 19 was called "the wrong side of 19" because of the flooding issue.  And they let it get built up.

We'll see how they fared in 48 hours.

1700 Update:

1 comment:

  1. The storm reminds me of Ike; large, and pushing a lot of water. The surge from Ike flooded drainage ditches dozens of miles from the coast, and in some spots, the surge was pushing 15 feet above sea level. I would recommend anyone in Helene's path find somewhere to go at least 20 feet above sea level.


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