12 September 2024

Matched Set

I had money left over on the character sheet and realized that a ronin isn't going to have a lot of coin in his sleeve.

So I upgraded the wakazashi to very fine and both swords to +1 styled.

Then I made a note that they are a matched pair.

Omi used to be from a wealthy house, to be sure.

The swords were inherited.

I almost went with a tachi for the main sidearm until I decided to go with the matched daisho.

Then I reconsidered, he's a mounted archer after all, and changed the katana back to being a tachi.  Tachi use the same stats as katana, so I don't even have to change them!

I even looked up a famous sword maker for them.  Sadamune Hikoshiro.  That makes the blades about 240 years old in 1570 where Omi is from.

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