08 September 2024

We've All Kinda Been There

I am more down on the Wehraboos than a normal person might be because I dealt with different flavors.

First was making 1/35 scale models.

German armor is very popular.  I've made my fair share.  Panzer IV and Panther are my favorite tank subjects and the early sdkfz 232 8-rad armored car with the big cage radio antenna being my wheeled fave.

Boy howdy do you get to hear about how great the Tiger was.  Mostly from the spectators who come to model shows.  And if you, yourself, have German tanks on display, you get to hear why the Tiger was better than Panther and why Panther is better than T-34 and so on...

Then there's TTRPGs.

There's a couple of WW2 German guns that are ahead of their time.  The MG.34 and MG.42 are modern GPMG's.  The 42 is still in service and production as the MG3.

The FG.42 is an FAL eleven years early in most game systems stats.

The StG.44 is an AK six years early, with a weight penalty.

Clever players grab this "too soon" kit if you let them.

But you get subjected to the "as good or better than the..."

No.  No they were not.  Even the milled AK is better than an StG.44 (aka MP.43, aka MP.44).

The FG.42 is nowhere near as good as the FAL and is much more fragile.

Most games don't account for the fragility factor.

I've taken an FG.42 on a couple of characters to get something like an FAL too soon, but the truth is the first of any class of gun tends to suck but hard especially when compared with what comes after it.


  1. On the subject of "too soon" have you ever gamed a 7.92x33 kurz FAL? IIRC some early prototypes used this cartridge before it became obvious they needed to make it in 7.62 NATO to sell.

    1. No, but we did do .280 British as 7mm NATO once with FALs in that caliber.


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