27 September 2024

Bless You Mr Carrier!

At 2:30p we had the generator my buddy graciously loaned me hooked up and running the fridge.

At 5:30p we got a notice from the power company to not expect restoration of service until 11:59 Sunday evening.

There had been trucks in our neighborhood all day, so I figured that we wouldn't have to wait that long, but Harvey decided to plan for the worst and knowing that another day of this without power would kill Harvey's mom...  We started looking for hotels that still had vacancies.  None.

We immediately started moving Harvey's mom down here where the power is and moved the unused window AC unit with her.

A couple extra fans and the window unit in the kitchen window made a huge difference in comfort, even if it was small in measurable temperature.  Humidity reduction, YO!

Pretty much the moment we got her situated...  The power came back on.

7:30p today, you will note, is literally days before the expected restoration.

27-1/2 hours without power.

I know people who've gone much longer, but this is our personal record.

It's verra nice to have the electrons flowing again.

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