03 September 2024

Job Requirement

A tedious thing I have to stab the skip button for on YouTube is the fundraising ads.

With a kitten on my chest, sometimes I can't reach the mouse and resign myself to watching the ad.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are smooth.  One take.  Done.  Let's get ice cream!

Kamala Harris?  At least four OBVIOUS cuts, one mid-sentence.  In a 30-second ad.

She did at least five takes to get this in the can, and one wonders how many didn't get used.

Being able to, smoothly, beg for money is a fucking job requirement for politicians!

This alone disqualifies her for the post!


  1. Wait, less smooth than Senile Joe? No, seriously, worse at public speaking than Joe "repeat the line" Ducking Biden?

    What unholy sorcery is this?!

    1. To be fair, getting other people's money has been one of Zhou Bai Den's core competencies throughout his career. I'm not entirely surprised that he might still have something left in that particular tank. Especially if his handlers give him enough pharmaceuticals to boggle Hunter S. Thompson and mildly impress Keith Richards.

  2. If The Kackler can be disqualified for being an incompetent, braindead, impossible to teach and just plain dumb...

    Then Xoe Biden should have been disqualified at least 30 years ago.

  3. Why I have the "Brave" browser playing my YouTube videos in the background... Built in ad blocking seems to work really well....

    But yes, it is fairly painful watching her try to get complete sentences out. Mind, I'm not a GREAT public speaker, but working in IT, never been my job until I got this one... Still, it does speak to general suitability for the job requiring it... Just my opinion though...


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