14 September 2024

On Strike For A Bad Look

When the company you work for is under a microscope about the quality of your workmanship, it's not a good time to demand a 25% raise.

IAMAW voted to strike at Boeing because they didn't get a 25% raise.

No word if the union is at loggerheads about the inclusion of "how to secure a plug door" class.

Quality control at Boeing is in miserable shape and that's the fault of the people on the production line who just decided to go on strike.

They don't deserve a raise.  Honestly, I'll bet Boeing wishes they could fire a bunch of them, but once you're unionized the NRLB decides if you can shit can the dead wood.

"I'd do my job better if I got paid better," is bullshit.  It's what they're saying.

1 comment:

  1. It's even worse than you imagine. The union employees rejected the 25% wage increase and promise that the next airliner would only be built in the Puget Sound area.

    Only 25% and a sure-fire deal that no more jobs were going away wasn't good enough? What, is the union trying to do what unions did to Yellow Freight?

    That's how bad it is. The union tossed away a 25% wage increase at a time that the company is on the edge of doom, with a new CEO who is trying to save the company.

    Want Boeing to move away completely from Puget Sound and ditch all those union employees? This is how you get Boeing to move completely away from Puget Sound and ditch 33,000 employees. This is how you collapse what economy is left in Seattle. This is how you collapse what economy is left in the Pacific Northwest.

    Union Dumbasses. Shooting themselves in the ass over nothing.


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