14 September 2024

Such A Clever Kitten


Shadow has managed to activate sticky keys on the desktop and has discovered all manner of keyboard shortcuts on the laptop just by laying on the keyboards.


Sticky keys, now that I know what it is, is a stupid design.  You get it active and the keyboard just makes a clicking noise through the speakers.  A reboot fixes it, but there's no on screen indication that it's active and there's nothing to click to disable it and return function to the keyboard.  Good job M$!


  1. They are amazing at this... I've worked in IT for a LONG time and my furry friends are constantly demonstrating previously unknow keyboard shortcuts and hidden "features" of the OS...

  2. Microsoft UX design leaves much to be desired, but it's still better than half the stuff I have to use or support. My guess is Connectwise and Jonas hired Microsoft's rejects.


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