15 September 2024

An Honorable Alternative To Military Service

When I say the USAF is not the military, I cite today.

15Sep47 is the Air Force's ETS date.

After your exit the service date, you are no longer in the military.

I have to admit, their NFA collection is way more impressive than mine.

Happy Birthday, Zoomies!


  1. My dad was in the AF during the 50's, he knew more about ground navigation than I did as a Seabee.
    I know you're kidding, but I just wanted to throw that out.

    But that was only less than ten years since they split from the Army, not the 50 years they have different today.

  2. My dad got to take the soon-to-be-outlawed-by-Congress AF Survival Course in the early 50's, a course designed by survivors of the Pacific and European Wars and survivors of Korea. Being a Cajun, he survived and thrived, coming out weighing 5lbs more than going in.

    And he already had ground and water navigation down, due again to life as a Cajun kid in the late 30's and 40's.


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