06 September 2024

Mea Culpa

Yes, the Wannsee Conference happens in 1942.

It codifies and serves as documentation of the goals.

The atrocity that it is codifying did begin far earlier, as early as 1933, and there's even more documentation showing that.

I cited the Wanness Conference because it's easily accessible to people who don't know any of this history and its a great example of how deliberate The Holocaust was.  I used wikipedia because it has links to supporting material that anyone who can read the blog can access.

It might even be the truth that gives the lie power.  Some of the topics on hand at Wannsee was the pace at which the eliminations were proceeding and deciding on more efficient means of providing that eradication.

Prior efforts were hitting logistic walls, but it wasn't an accident they were murdering people.

People in the camps didn't just die.  They were being killed, on purpose.

That the intake of the condemned was bigger than planned was incidental, not causal.

Are all you history fiends happy now?


  1. In my possession is a copy of the final draft of a script written on this subject.
    The script was written for several purposes; to accurately record family history, and the hope a theatrical production, or full length movie would come of it.

    The writer is the youngest son of one of they key generals. The writer is also a historian of some repute.

    The script is well documented with footnotes and names sources. The dialog in the script is mostly from firsthand accounts but also literary license for continuity. That license remains within the dictates of professional historians, it is not the wild imaginations like a Hollywood writer.

    In order to receive the transcript I promised to not show to anyone or to reveal the name of the writer. I have kept my word for these many years.

    All of that to say this; what happened, how and why it was proposed, and who was involved in far more horrific than we know. Very few people know the deep truth. I do not count myself as among them. It was very difficult to absorb what the script made clear. In comparison, it is like I hadn't known even half of it. This despite my keen interest in the various means and methods in the prosecution of war in Europe in the 20th Century.

    1. It wasn't made into this film was it?

    2. I don't know if a movie was made. It isn't the movie you linked. The script I have is not only about Wansee.
      The chronology in the script I have starts many years before Wansee.

  2. To clarify, I mean the final solution in its entirety, from germseed to capitulation.

  3. Hey Angus,

    I was under the impression that the "Nuremburg Laws" got the ball rolling as far as treating the Jews and other "undesirables" like crap. basically stripping them of their rights as Germans and delegating them as "2nd Class citizens under their laws. Giving their "sicherheitdienst Polizei" the excuse to send them to work camps that were the precursor to the "deathcamps.

    1. Yes, you are correct! Another good source of documentation that it wasn't by accident or happenstance.

  4. The Nuremburg laws were two short years after the little corporal rose to power. The laws were a further codifying of formal existing policies in practice since over a decade previous.
    And it didn't start with Adolph or with DAP which was to become the NSDAP. Antisemitism in Germany predates the Weimar.
    To that end, I suggest the culmination which led to the camps and gas houses was already merely a question of time. This was organic, not, say an after creation of Versailles Treaty.
    The NSDAP only sped up that timeline.


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