25 September 2024

I'm Curious

I'm not sure I'm $100 curious, but what's a Pelican case running nowadays?

2nd Amendment Bourbon.

I've never heard of this brand, but the box caught my eye.


  1. I currently have access to some Pelican cases at a very fair price (surplus). Post here/respond on what size you want and if suitcase or vertical opening (file holder orientation) type so I can get you a price.

    1. I'm not sure what sizes there are. Lemme do some looking.

      Do yours come with a bottle of bourbon? I was trying to calculate how much they were charging for the bottle by subtracting the case. Which is probably not a real Pelican...

    2. Nope, no bourbon but authentic Pelican. Was at the store today, large ones about 128 bucks (plus shipping from Michigan). Smaller ones one cubic foot or so, under 100, tiny ones for cell phones or other small items can be had for 10 to 20.

  2. That size case at Harbor Freight in their knock-off brand is around $25-$30.

    1. I have a Harbor Freight one the next size up I got for $40 on sale.


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