04 September 2024

I Did Not Know That

A friend of mine is trying some home brewing.

He said he was writing down recipes and I decided to be facetious and quote the ingredients from the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516.




You need yeast too, but I guess Zie Bavarians assumed it would happen on its own, brett style beers use whatever yeast is flying around the kettle after all.

To make sure I got that list right I looked up the law and I discovered that the 1516 law had less to do with the purity of the beer and a lot more to do with keeping brewers from competing with bakers for grain for bread and thus to keep the price of bread down to something the normal folk could afford.

I didn't know that!


  1. I used to do home brewing. Still would if I could get some help on things---a lot of it is stuff that goes more quickly with two hands. Also, getting the ingredients is a problem---ingredients cost money. But I made good beer.

    1. Here's a project; glean the ingredients from the fields. That could be fun now that I think about it.


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