08 September 2024


While Marv was wet sanding the headlight lenses, I suggested some music.

We're both Pink Floyd fans so I fired up The Beast's radio, cranked it to 45 and played Wish You Were Here off the thumb drive.

45 is the max volume.

It was sufficiently loud too.

Very loud inside the car when I played with some of the audio settings.

By the way, if you don't know where to set the volume to be audible outside the car, Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1 is a bad choice because it starts so quiet and takes a bit to build to where you can set the overall volume.  That's why I was cranked to the max!

Max output from the head unit is incapable of causing distortion in my speakers.  Woot!  Though the dynamic distortion limiter indicator did flicker on the screen a couple of times.

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