21 September 2024

Serial Disasters Plus Successes

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a patty-melt after 2pm in and around my AO?

Thursday turned into a three hour ordeal involving places closed for emergencies, fucking karaoke and bingo callers at 95 dB!

Success was ashes in our mouth because the acquired patty melt was merely "meh."  Worse, there was a place blocks from here that has one on their menu.

By the way, restaurants, if you have burgers and a reuben on your menu, you have all the ingredients you need to make a patty melt.  Put one on your menu!

We finally got the Halloween/Christmas LED strings hung and wired.  They look great!  Thanks to a great degree to Marv for the wiring even if I did the mindless labor of hanging the strings.

The Honey-Do's sure cut into blogging time.

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