04 September 2024

Still A Pet Peeve

Anon comments are going to be deleted unless signed unless I recognize the commenter's style.  And sometimes even then.

I might let it fester in the cache to give you a chance to say, "that was me -name".

Even if you DO sign it, I'm nuking a comment telling me to do something I've already declined to do.

I do not care for Springfield's XD, regardless of caliber.

It's ineffable.  I've even said so in reply to another comment.  The Anon commenter should have bothered to read those comments before advocating for the XD.

It just doesn't fit me.

Never has.

That's my opinion.

For facts I've had two friends with one who managed to get it thoroughly locked up putting it back together.  I don't like guns that get fiddly during maintenance.

But if it's working for you, go for it!

If everyone liked the same gun, it'd be damned boring writing about them.


  1. Huh. I didn't know there were still XD advocates out there. An XD .45 Compact was the first gun I bought. It worked, but I didn't shoot cases of ammo through it to discover its quirks.

    I've replaced it with a Sig 320 and a S&W Shield, both in .45, for less money then I'd need to spend to get a "proper" 1911.

  2. I was never a fan of the XD series. I remember when they first came out they were sort of marketed as a cheaper alternative to Glock. They had a few very vocal fan bois. I don't hear a lot about them anymore though. I just wasn't really interested. Never really seriously considered one.


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

If you're trying to comment anonymously: You can't. Log into your Google account.

If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.