05 September 2024

Prolly Not Bidenomics

As I expected, the S&W 1076 runs about $1,500 give or take.

What I did not expect is the magazines to be running $200!

It makes the Delta Elite look downright affordable at $1,200.  Genuine Colt mags are under $42.  Springfield runs $20ish.


  1. I want a 1076 as well, but haven't been able to find one at a price I can afford when I have the money. $1500 is consistent with what I've seen on GunBroker and elsewhere.

    I do have a 1006, the horse-pistol variant of the 1076, which takes the same mags. So I can attest to the S&W magazines being priced like they are made out of some alloy of adamantium and mithril. I think I found some on eBay for under $100 each, but that was several years ago.

    But it could be worse. You could own a Bren Ten.

    ==Dwight Brown

  2. Support items are the underwater part of the iceberg. A good example is the Raritan KVM over IP, the box is a few thousand, but the it costs $120 per computer for the connection dongle. You can end up spending more on the accessories than the device itself


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