05 September 2024

Bad USB Port

One of the USB ports on my laptop causes the trackball to act like it can't see the ball.

It's fine on the other two.


Wish I'd noticed before ordering a new trackball.

Well, one is none, I guess.


  1. PS2 VS PS3 ports? I'm no computer nerd but I have put up witha lot of funky stuff.

  2. Is the odd port USB3 or constant power? I had a webcam that wouldn't work on USB3, and a client had PIN pads that wouldn't work on one batch of Dell, but would work on older and newer. USB is not as finicky as SCSI but has its moments

    1. It's the yellow colored USB3 that's causing issues. The cursor acts like the machine is overloaded when it's barely ticking 15% CPU and memory usage. The cursor doesn't act like this when I use the built in trackpad.

      If I move it to the black colored USB2 or blue colored USB3... Trackball works as it should.

      Yellow is constant power, yes?


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