14 September 2024


I just made a spreadsheet for keeping track of all my GURPS characters.

Since there's a "date created" line on many of them, I can even sort them chronologically.

My first, ever, GURPS character was a Car Wars character.  December 26, 1986 for 1e.

I never played that character.

The first character I ever played was an elf when I cajoled FuzzyGeff to run the recently published Yrth (then GURPS: Fantasy).

Never looked back, honestly.

Even as early as 2e, GURPS solved problems I'd been having with made for the setting games.  The one that really sticks out is getting a genuine sword in T2K.

LBB Traveller was an awesome setting with a mediocre system.

Generally, we simply liked the feel of the GURPS magic system over AD&D and there wasn't really anything special about the D&D rules to keep us using them with the worlds we were making ourselves.

The World of Greyhawk was the only published setting I knew anything about and we weren't dropping our hard earned on that when we could make up our own shit for free!

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