09 September 2024

Haramaki Do Dame

Although lamellar armor looks so very Japanese...

By the Sengoku period, plates were starting to come into vogue.

So Omi's haramaki-do has been replaced with a hotoke-do.  This is the benefit of being a medieval Japan nerd.

Going from DR4 medium lamellar that's DR3 vs crushing to DR 6 medium plate that's DR6 all the time.

I saved over six pounds doing so and got better protection.  For almost four times the money...

I realized that I inserted a joke into the character.  The very-fine quality Katana is the least likely weapon to be employed.  It's almost half of what I spent on equipment.

But having a real heirloom item is something this character would have, even if the naginata is every bit as effective in combat and FAR cheaper.

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