16 September 2024

Who Had 'Felon In Possession - AGAIN' On Their Bingo Card

The would be assassin of former President Trump was a felon?

Felons aren't allowed to possess firerarms.

I was assured by Sarah Brady on down that all we needed to do was pass laws and the criminal behavior would instantly stop.

Therefore Ryan Wesley Routh must be innocent!

It's impossible for him to have possessed the gun because it was illegal.

The magical aura of illegality should have prevented him from touching the gun, and burned his hands if he persisted.  Sarah promised!


Laws really only affect the law abiding who weren't a problem without the law already.

PS: It appears that his felony was even a gun charge.  Man, I feel safer.

1 comment:

  1. And his son assures us that his father isn't violent at all, besides all the threats and gun crimes and going to Ukraine to support the Ukes.

    And a 300 page screed manifesto, not hatred and violent at all...


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